#iroh gifs
imagines--galore · 9 hours
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Thirty
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty, Part Twenty-One, Part Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine,
A/N: A filler chapter, but I guess we all deserve one after all the emotions and turmoil and heavy stuff. And the next couple of chapters are also gonna be filler so.....yup! Hope you enjoy!
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Zuko stared in amazement.
"So, you're telling me that you made your sword from a rock that came from space." The surprise and awe was evident in his voice as he lifted Sokka's sword at eye-level and inspected the blade. Sokka, who was sitting beside the Prince gave a proud grin.
"Yup! Toph even made an arm-band out of the leftover piece." The girl in question pulled off the only piece of jewelry she would probably ever wear and held it up, only to change it shape as she bended it to show her control over the space rock. "That's pretty amazing." Zuko commented, to which Toph gave a small shrug of nonchalance, a slightly smug grin on her lips.
There was no denying the pride in her voice as she added. "That's nothing compared to my invented metalbending." How exactly a thirteen year old had been able to do that, was still a mystery to him, but Zuko wasn't about to question Toph's age. None of them were of age to become Masters and yet everyone fighting beside Aang seemed to be powerful in their own right.
Aang was a Master Airbender and Waterbender. Not to mention his Earthbending skills weren't as abysmal as she had thought, according to Toph, and he was shaping up to be a pretty good Firebender too.
Katara was a Master Waterbender, and she was accomplished when it came to Healing Abilities. Not to mention Toph had told him how she had made her own water while in jail.
Toph was a Master Earthbender, while also having created Metalbending and mastering that as well. Zuko suspected it was a good thing he never had to face off against her in a battle.
Sokka was a good strategist and given that he had helped invent the War Balloon and other War Machines they'd used during the Invasion, Zuko had made the assumption that despite his rather clumsy nature, he was a formidable warrior.
Orora was a Master when it came to Healing Abilities, and, according to Aang, she was nearing the Master level as a Waterbender. She had really come a long way since he had met her.
And then there was him. A Master Firebender, with an expertise in sword-dueling from Piandao himself.
Guess it wasn't a surprise that he actually felt as if he were equal to all of them on every level. Something he had never felt before. With his peers or really anyone his own age, he had always been Advanced, so he hadn't been able to find a connection with them. With people older then him, other then his Uncle, they'd thought him to be too immature to give him the time of day. Plus most of them were just old gasbags who were more concerned about keeping their positions rather then let someone younger take their place.
For once, Zuko felt like he belonged with these people. Kids his own age.
And it felt nice.
Suddenly Toph sat up straight from where she had been sitting in a slouch and grinned. "Well look who's finally up!"
Though before the Earthbender had even begun to talk, Zuko knew who it was.
Since he had felt his string tug.
Sure enough, Orora was walking towards them, stretching her arms over her head as she did. "Morning." She managed to speak, despite the yawn that accompanied it. "You do realize that its nearly afternoon right?" Sokka asked the older girl who made her way towards the water pots they kept for washing up. "I mean I love to sleep in as much as the next guy, but this is a bit excessive for you isn't it?"
Glancing up from where she had been splashing some of the water on her face, Orora gave him a deadpanned look. "That's because no one else has a room mate who snores like a platypus bear." She shot back, glaring at Toph as she did. The younger girl grinned. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
Orora simply rolled her eyes as she sat down between Sokka and Toph, which put Zuko sitting across from her, completing the little circle.
Glancing at the sky, the Waterbender sighed. "Guess I'll just have to wait till lunch to get something to eat." She muttered under her breath, reaching up to run a hand through her hair, which she had left unbound for the time being. Or rather because she'd left the strips she tied her hair with in the fountain room and hadn't been back to retrieve them.
She barely had any time to pout when a bowl of rice appeared in her line of vision. Orora blinked, staring at the hand holding it out for her.
"I saved some for you." Zuko stated, clearing his throat as he did. "Aang and Katara went off to practice Waterbending and Sokka and I were in charge of cleaning up so I figured I'd save the leftover for you." Why he felt the need to explain himself further was beyond him.
The gesture was enough for old memories to reawaken. All those times she had been the one to save food for him, and cover it so it would stay warm for him.
Reaching out, she took the bowl, cradling it between her palms as she looked up at him and gave a small smile. "Thanks." Sokka, who had pretended to go back to polishing his sword, glanced between the both of them out of the corner of his eyes. Meanwhile, Toph picked up on something that she had held back for so long, but wasn't about to because she knew it would cause chaos and embarrassment for both Orora and Zuko.
And she lived for it.
"Woah!" She exclaimed softly, grinning from ear to ear.
Zuko glanced at her, frowning slightly. "What?"
"Relax guys! It was just a bowl of rice, not a proposal. Your heartbeats are going crazy."
The result was instantaneous. Zuko went red in the face, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words for it. Sokka choked on his own laughter, fell backwards, regained his breath, before resuming laughing. Orora pursed her lips, her cheeks pink, as she glared at her friend.
"I can feel you glaring at me right now Ice Princess." Toph commented, not at all bothered by the heat she could feel behind the look Orora was giving her despite being unable to see. Smiling smugly, the blind girl raised her cup of water to her lips to take a drink.
Only to find it frozen solid.
"Hey!" She protested, glaring in Orora's direction who simply smirked before taking a bite of her rice. Having regained a little bit of his composure, Sokka managed to sit up straight once more, though he put his space sword back in it's sheath. "So............, did the two of you manage to talk things out?" He asked, glancing between the still red-faced and slightly annoying looking Fire Nation Prince and a Waterbender who was calmly eating her breakfast.
Obviously neither of them knew the two of them, along with Aang and Katara had been spying on them last night. Before the either of the concerned person could make a comment, Toph spoke up. "Course they did. Firebug's been chirpy all morning hasn't he? Must mean something good came out of yesterday."
All three of them paused.
"Firebug?" Zuko echoed, to which Toph nodded, looking way too proud of herself. "Don't worry. That won't be your only nickname. I also have Angry Guy and Prince Pouty." The last nickname had Orora clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the snort of laughter that escaped her. Zuko threw an annoyed glare in her direction to which she shrugged. "Well not like you haven't been called that before."
Her words only prompted him to pout, which resulted in Orora and Sokka bursting out into loud laughter.
When she had woken up earlier that morning, Orora had expected things to still be tense between her and Zuko. Not wanting to deal with what was to come, and simply bask in the knowledge that she and Zuko were, for once, in agreement when it came to what they were for one another, she'd closed her eyes, and went back to sleep.
The next time she woke, the girl had forced herself to get out of bed. And yes, when she had stepped out of her room she had been nervous, unable to determine how things would be between her and Zuko.
Would they still be at odds and be awkward around one another, or would things be just as they had been in Ba Sing Se?
She found herself praying to the Spirits it was the latter.
And Zuko's simple act of saving her some breakfast and giving it to her, was enough to shatter a few of the residual reservations she had about her decision, while also making her see that perhaps, sometimes, prayers were duly answered.
Once she'd finished her breakfast, she dragged Sokka off to retrieve whatever she had left in the fountain room yesterday.
In reality, she had needed some advice.
Just one last bit of doubt before she could truly move on.
Sokka, sensing her hesitation, saved her by being the first one to speak. "So, are things alright between you two now?" He asked, peering at her face to make sure he saw any emotion that passed over her features.
Though he shouldn't have worried about her hiding anything from him, because quite honestly, Orora was sick and tired of hiding her true feelings. She had been forced to do it her entire life, and the past few months, the two times she had tried to keep her emotions in, she had, for lack of a better word, exploded.
And she was done.
"We talked." She revealed. "And he was ready to leave if his being here was too much for me." As they stepped into the fountain room, she spied her bag and walked over to retrieve it. "Sokka?" She called, clutching the pieces of blue she used to tie her hair back. "When did you decided that it was time for you to move on and put aside your grief for Yue?"
Turning, the girl watched as his expression grew somber and he pursed his lips, thinking over his answer. "I didn't." He finally revealed. "When we ran into Suki outside of Ba Sing Se, there was a point where she revealed she was my soulmate, but I didn't."
He sighed. "I thought I would be dishonoring Yue's memory by getting together with Suki." Sokka paused, allowing his memory of the girl to wash over him, before he smiled softly, Suki's face coming to his mind. "But then I realized that its not what she would've wanted. She would've wanted me to be happy." His smile widened. "So I told Suki she was my soulmate too."
Having walked over to stand in front of him, Orora gripped the strap of her bag. "But, didn't you feel any guilt or anything when you finally let go of your feelings for Yue?" She asked, wanting nothing more then to understand what he had gone through to move forward and carry on with his life.
The Warrior nodded. "I did, but Yue's sacrifice also made me realize that life is too short, and we shouldn't let things out of our control stop us from living our lives."
She blinked, his words settling within her and resonating more then anything. Sokka's advice were the very basis of her reasoning to let go of all that had happened between her and Zuko and move forward. And it did surprise her that Sokka had chosen to do the same because, she didn't think it would be easy to let go of all those feelings.
As he watched her expression change from uncertainty to realization, Sokka smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Seems for once I said something that didn't result in an ice mask." He joked, to which Orora smiled at him. "Don't get too confident about that. We still have the rest of the day." At his expression, she laughed.
"Thanks Sokka." He grinned, reaching out to wrap an arm around her shoulders as they began to walk back to where their friends were. "No problem. All I ask is that I don't have to walk in on you making goo-goo eyes at each other, or smooching. No smooching in front of me either, gives me the Ick."
He would've continued, if Orora hadn't allowed her wrist to snap and an ice mask to slap over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.
"Are you sure you should be doing this here?" Teo asked in a slightly nervous tone as he watched Toph crack her knuckles. The Earthbender scoffed. "Please this place has been standing a hundred years. A little bending match isn't gonna cause any harm."
Since Toph felt she hadn't appropriately kicked anyone's butt in the last few days she had offered a friendly bending match. And Sokka, being an ultimate Earth Rumble fan, his words, had volunteered Haru to face off against Toph.
And since the voices of reason, Katara and Aang, weren't around to stop them, and Orora had agreed because she had wanted a break from Toph's teasing, no one else had been opposed to the idea of a little entertainment.
Haru had quickly bended a large circular shape in the floor. The one to even step on the line would loose. It was a fairly large circle so enough for the two Earth benders to fight it out.
"And the person who uses any material from outside the circle looses." Orora called out from where she sat next to an excited Sokka. He looked almost as if he would vibrate out of his seat. She really didn't understand what was so exciting about two people fighting. Once both Earthbenders were within the ring, Sokka stood up.
"And begin!"
The best was two out of three.
As soon as Toph landed the first win, Sokka leapt to his feet, waving his arms in the air as he screamed and hollered. "Woohoo! Go Toph!" His sudden jump in the air included a knee in the face for Zuko who sat beside him, and a smack in the face to Orora as he waved his arms. She'd been sitting beside him, though on top of a rock giving her some elevation, and grumbled as she rubbed her aching nose.
"Calm down Sokka." She said, as Haru stepped into the ring once more. "Its just a bending battle."
The words seemed to act as a catalyst of some sort, since Sokka, The Duke and Teo, who were now just as immersed as Sokka was, turned to her with a look of utter aghast and shock. "Just a battle?!" Sokka shrieked as The Duke added. "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of things." He stated his eyes never wavering from Toph's strong figure.
Alright so she couldn't fault The Duke for being fascinating. It did involve his soulmate after all. But Teo as well? He looked ready to jump out of his wheelchair as he waved his arms in the air.
As the second round of Earth Rumble began, Orora dropped her chin in the palm of her hand as she rested the elbow atop her thigh. "Its just two people throwing around rocks for the fun of it." Glancing at Zuko where he sat in front of her, she nudged him gently with her knee. "I don't see you going ga-ga like these three. Not to your liking then?" She asked, as Zuko glanced briefly at the three shouting spectators.
He shrugged. "I mean its interesting, but I kinda agree. Its just two people throwing rocks at one another." At that moment Haru delivered a particularly brutal attack that even Toph had a little difficulty in maneuvering. But she was able to at the last moment.
Though to save herself, she had to send a rather sizable boulder in the direction of the spectators.
"Look out!"
It was only their instincts that saved Orora, Sokka and Zuko from getting crushed.
The three of them jumped out of the way, leaving the boulder to smash into the place where, mere moments ago, they had been sitting. Orora, a little winded from throwing herself to the floor, raised her head to shout at Toph. "Watch where you aim those things!"
And by 'Watch' she of course meant watch with her feet.
Having landed on his feet instead of his face, Zuko stood, holding a hand out to help her up. Grumbling under her breath, Orora stood, brushing the dust from the front of her shirt as she did. "You okay?" He asked, the concern evident in his tone, even as she glared darkly at Toph. "I'm fine." She growled, blowing a strand of hair from her face.
Sokka wasn't even deterred, already on his feet and shouting at Toph to end the match amid Teo and The Duke's words of encouragement.
It would seem Toph had no desire to prolong the match any longer. A few minute later, Haru was over the line and on the ground. "Yeah! Go Blind Bandit!" At Zuko's look of confusion Orora quickly explained. "That was her name when she competed in actual Earth Rumbles."
"Anyone else up for a challenge." Toph called out, basking in the afterglow of her victories. She raised an arm, pointing to where Orora and Zuko were standing. "Since you both are the only other Benders around, I think it should be one of you."
Zuko shook his head. "Its not safe to use firebending in a tight space. I might accidentally burn someone." Orora looked at Zuko in surprise. "Wait....did you just...." She trailed off as Zuko turned his head to glance back at her.
Orora remembered a Zuko who would never have backed down from a challenge. Who would never have given up the chance to fight against someone.
A tender smile pulled at her lips as she reached up to playfully ruffle his hair. "You really have changed haven't you?" She laughed at his attempt to push her hand away, but he was smiling as well, because yes, he had changed. And he liked himself this way. Not because Orora liked him, but because for once he wasn't at war with himself about anything.
"Well since Firebug is out. Orora! Get your butt in here!" Toph called, sounding more then a little impatient. The Waterbender shook her head. "I'm not about to fight just for the sake of entertainment Toph." She said, to which Sokka made a strange sound of horror, as if he were unable to comprehend someone wouldn't want to fight for the fun of it.
But Toph, not wanting to stop just yet grinned. "I'll make you a bet. You fight against me, and if you win I don't tease you and Zuko for three days."
Zuko blinked, frowning as he glanced at Orora who looked as if she were actually considering the deal. Which she wouldn't take, he figured, she would rather-
He stared at her, a little surprised. And he wasn't the only one. Though judging by the smile that pulled at her lips, she had something up her sleeve.
"But if I win, you will do what I've been asking you since we came to the Temple." Zuko smiled, shaking his head. He should've known his Soulmate would have an ulterior motive.
Toph scowled at Orora, and for a moment the Waterbender thought she wouldn't accept the deal. But then the blind girl nodded.
Orora smirked.
While Sokka and Haru quickly moved the two pots of water on either side of the circle so that Orora could draw from them anytime during the battle, the Waterbender quickly readied herself.
Which included quickly picking up sections of her hair from either side of her temples and pulling out the hair comb Zuko had returned to her. A little too busy gathering any spare piece of hair behind her head so it wouldn't get in her face, she missed the way Zuko's expression softened at the sight of the comb as it nestled in her dark brown hair once more.
Exactly where it belonged.
A stray piece of hair did land just above her right eye, but she wasn't bothered by it. The rest of her hair she allowed to hang free, thick dark brown locks settling in unruly waves just behind her shoulders. From her bag she pulled out her gloves, pulling them on as she stepped into the circle. If she was going to use all of her body to dodge Toph's attacks, she had no desire to cut her skin and get hurt necessarily.
For a moment everything and everyone stood still, watching with bated breath.
Toph made the first move, creating a row of sharp rocks protruding from the floor and towards Orora.
Inhaling deeply, Orora dropped into a stance, her arms creating twin elegant circles, pulling the water from both the pots and allowing it to create a whirlpool around her, elevating her into the air.
"Showing your hand early in the battle. A little over-confident there Ice Princess?" Toph called as soon as she sensed what had happened. Orora grinned. "Just want to end this quickly so I can get what I want." She called back.
Throwing her arm out, the girl shot a tendril of water towards the blind girl. Sensing the attack as it flew through the air, Toph quickly brought up a shield of earth. The water dissipated, dropping to the ground where the earth sucked it in.
Knowing she would tire herself out if she continued the whirlpool, Orora quickly dropped the intensity. And not a minute later several sharp rock projectiles flew through the air, right where her head had been a moment ago. Getting into her battle mindset was easy as she created a short yet wide circular pillar of ice and stood atop it.
The leftover water from the whirlpool was sent in a small yet strong tidal wave towards her opponent. Who avoided it by creating a ball of earth around her. "You're holding back Princess." Toph called once she had dropped her earth shield. "That's because I don't want any stray attack to hurt anyone else." Orora called back, gesturing to their spectators who had only escaped Toph's previous attack of sharp earth projectile because Haru had been there to deflect it.
Toph waved her hand. "They can take care of themselves." So saying, she attacked Orora head-on with a large boulder aimed straight towards her. Without even flinching the girl shot a bubble of water towards it, big enough to encompass and freeze it in midair. Throwing her leg out, Orora pushed a disc of pure thin ice to fly through the air, slicing the boulder in half before it had even dropped to the floor. But the disc didn't stop there. It flew through the air, landing just beside Toph who barely flinched.
Instead she created several steps, one higher then the next, as she climbed up in the air. Orora knew the next attack would be from the air, and the instant she skated away from her perch, Toph's earth clad figure came crashing down, sending her trunk of ice showering in each and every direction.
Orora pivoted on her feet, her arms thrown out as she caught each and every last fragment of the ice and instead directed it towards Toph. Though it did little damage as Toph simply created a pyramid of earth around her to defend herself from being pierced. One face of the pyramid flew through the air, sliding across the earthy terrain and would've nearly slammed into Orora if she hadn't somersaulted out of the way. She'd barely landed on her feet when her arms were coated with water. Hardly standing up from the crouch she had landed in, the Waterbender threw her arms out to try and catch Toph by the arms.
Of course that plan worked out as well as could be expected given that Toph felt the water coming halfway and counteracted it by kicking her foot out and sending Orora to the ground where the earth lurched under her feet. Getting the wind knocked out of her wasn't exactly a new thing, but then the idea that formed in her head next was certainly she'd never thought of before.
"Alright Toph." She grumbled, barely standing up from where she lay. "You wanna be like that then." Her hand shot out, sending a wave of water towards the Earthbender.
Freezing her feet in place.
"What the?!! Orora!" Toph called, not having expected her friend to play dirty like that. Rising to her feet, Orora grinned. "What're you gonna do now that you can't see?" She goaded, her blue eyes landed on the half broken boulder that was still laying there, each half covered in ice.
"Lets see you dodge this!" So saying she sent both boulders flying, the ice allowing her to control them both. What she hadn't calculated was the fact that Toph could sense the earthen halves of the rocks and while one was knocked out of the way with a swipe of her arm, landing harmlessly on the ground, the other wasn't as lucky.
The force behind Toph's bending was enough to send the ice covered boulder flying through the air, and landing with a resounding crash..............right where the rooms they had all been sleeping in were located.
Every eye turned towards the location in horror, minus Toph.
The boulder had taken out two pillars as it went, before crashing through, first Katara's room, going through Sokka and Aang's room, before landing halfway between Toph and Orora's and Teo and The Duke's.
"Katara is gonna kill us."
Suffice to say, it wasn't a pleasant conversation explaining to Aang and Katara what had happened. Toph and Haru had tried to clean things up a bit, but obviously they couldn't recreate the architecture the way it had been before.
With the rooms destroyed, and the remaining one's on the verge of collapse, it was decided that all of them would sleep in the courtyard outside instead.
Which meant cleaning up the debris from their impromptu battles, against each other as well as Combustion Man.
"Why did I agree to this?" Orora grumbled as she allowed a small stream of water to sweep away most of the dust and grime that had accumulated on the floor over the years. Toph, Haru and Aang were busy clearing away the bigger rocks and boulders. Katara was supervising Sokka, The Duke and Teo as the moved everything from the rooms to the courtyard. Zuko was stuck with preparing the everything for their lunch, which Orora would be cooking later. Of course this meant cutting a lot of vegetables.
A task he still hated.
Glancing up from where he had chopped the last of the carrots, Zuko shrugged. "You tell me. Normally you don't get goaded into taking bets." Orora huffed, as she sent another small wave of water to collect the dirt. "Yeah well this was one chance I could get Toph to do something shes been putting off for days. She may be a sneak, but she will always honor her bets." Washing away the last of the dirt, she smirked. "Kind of reminds me of you."
He rolled his eyes at her, trying not to show just how happy he was that she spoke to him so.........normally.
"You've gotten really good." He complimented. "And you managed to bend with your feet too, so I guess you figured that out." Trying hard not to sound too proud, Orora grinned. "It took me awhile to perfect, but I finally got the hang of it." She said, making a small circle on the floor with the tip of her shoe. The both of them watch as a small stream of water snaked across the floor and in a circle of ice, following the movement of her foot.
Though she wasn't able to keep her balance on one foot for long. She tilted to the side with a gasp, and would've fallen if Zuko hadn't reached out to grasp her arm and caught her. "Though maybe you should take some balancing lessons from Aang." The Prince suggested with a teasing glint in his warm golden eyes. Orora playfully smacked his chest.
He didn't let go of her arm, while her hand didn't lift from his chest where she had hit him moments ago. Everything around her seemed to fade away as she met his gaze, unburdened. Then again, the moment wasn't so dissimilar from what Zuko was feeling at the moment. Though while Orora felt a rush of contentment in the comfort of the moment, Zuko felt relief.
Relief that now when she looked at him, it wasn't with rage, sadness and uncertainty. But with silent surety.
"Thank you." He said, his fingers gently gripping her forearm. The girl frowned lightly. "What for?" She asked, her head tilting to the side.
He smiled.
"For giving me another chance." He revealed, his hand sliding down to where her hand was, only to link their fingers together.
The fingers that had the string tied to it.
The string that glowed with the respective colors of the other's Nation since last night.
Seeing the blush rise to her cheeks never ceased to make him smile, and that moment was no exception.
Was it strange that only yesterday it hadn't seemed like there was any hope for them, and yet now, standing there, looking at her, Zuko couldn't help but thank every Spirit, known and unknown, that he had his Soulmate back.
They still had a long way to go, still had to work out on some things.
But being civil to one another and actually speaking, being friends again, was one step closer to what they both wanted in the end.
"Why is the floor not clean yet?!"
The sudden exclamation broke the moment, and caused Orora to let out a gasp of surprise. She pivoted on her feet, smacking Zuko in the face as her hair flew behind her as she turned to smile sheepishly at a glowering Katara.
"Sorry. Sorry. I'm on it!"
"So who exactly won?"
Sokka asked once Katara had stopped chewing them all out and had assigned chores to everyone. Which included Orora and Toph making lunch. They'd only just sat down to eat, with Katara glaring at her brother over her bowl of food. Everyone glanced at the two girls who sat next to one another. Orora glanced at Toph who just shrugged. "We'll just call it even." She stated. "For now."
"But what about the bet?" Haru asked, leaning forward, eager to know the results. Aang, who had been more then a little miffed about being unable to watch the matches, intervened. "Well since no one won, I guess it means you'll both have to uphold your end of the bargain."
Orora grinned, while Toph let out a sigh. Turning her sightless gaze towards the older girl, Toph nearly shuddered at the way Orora's heart was beating with excitement.
"There's no getting out of it, is there?"
"Oh boy."
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist @jinxxangel13 @lotr-got @bitterspoons @realrintaro @gatorgirl151 @inutheangel @heartfully10 @lucaaahhh @juniper-july19 @anuttellaa @gfksz @bussyvussy @punksnotdeadbutiam @ablofftoneverland-blog-blog @slut-for-menn @vyliie @army-moa75 @juwhls @aqlodun @lovelybaka @glowyruby @niktwazny303
19 notes · View notes
the-bluespirit · 8 months
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6K notes · View notes
natlacentral · 5 months
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3K notes · View notes
chiptrillino-art · 6 months
Hello! Wellcome to my sort of 2023 recap!
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ID in ALT text shockingly i drew more zukos then sokkas this year.... which is weird to me personally? although... i did have a sudden 'i have no clue how to draw zuko?!?!?" moment this year. oh also..uh... i was wondering if i drew egnouth faces to make them 'turn around' and well...
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kind of?
4K notes · View notes
posalis · 2 months
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AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER, 1.04 — The Warriors of Kyoshi, Zuko & Sokka
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laoih · 4 months
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"We know what it means to be on our own."
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sourceblog · 4 months
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2K notes · View notes
floatyflowers · 4 months
Request: Young Ozai being yandere for young Iroh's betrothed.
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You arrangement to marry Iroh after the death of his wife was essential for diplomatic relations.
Yet, you couldn't help but fall for his kind attitude and with time you begin to accept the idea of your marriage to him despite the age gap.
You and Ozai are the same age though.
Ozai believes that he is better than Iroh in everything, he is fit to be the heir, and the protector of fire nation, and most importantly he is fit to be your husband.
He didn't marry before, he had no child, and most importantly you two are the same age.
And not only that, but you were also a powerful firebender, having the ability to bend blue fire.
Ozai tried to seduce you, but you were too virtuous to betray your fiance.
So, Ozai went to his father and convinced him to wed you to him instead of his older brother.
Surprisingly, Azulon agreed.
However, you stood your ground and insisted to marry Iroh.
Unfortunately, Ozai threatened to eliminate your family, leaving you with no choice but to marry him.
You both ended up having two children, a son named Zuko, and a daughter named Azula.
At first you thought about taking them and escaping.
But that proved to be hard because Ozai had spies all around you.
Instead you decided to stay with your children, in fear that Ozai might harm them.
Zuko took after you in tenderness while Azula took after Ozai, but she inherited your blue flames.
Ozai wished for the opposite, for his son to be cruel and for his daughter to be like you, gentle.
Maybe that is the reason why he likes Zuko more even if he doesn't show it, all because the boy takes after you.
And he is stubborn as you too.
Unlike Ozai, you love your children equally and make sure to spend time with them just to be away from your husband.
The moment you heard from Azula that Ozai challenged Zuko to an Agni Kai , you were quick to stand up for your son.
But Ozai didn't budge and the Agni Kai.
The only difference is that you intervened in the last second to save Zuko.
You got hit in the chest with fire and passed out, which angered Ozai.
"Because of your vulnerable nature, your mother got hurt"
He scars Zuko as a reminder for his weakness and also to teach his son that he is the one who is supposed to protect you, not the other way around.
In the end, Zuko got banished.
Yet, the prince kept one thing in mind.
If he restores his honor and position as an heir, he can return home and be able to protect you.
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